
While I was still pondering over this my mother said to me: “Your sister and I have been trying to preach the gospel to you for the last few years, but you’ve been too busy making money and so haven’t bothered to seek or investigate the true way. But look what all your hustle and bustle has brought you: great pain and suffering and nothing to show for it. All this is the bitter fruit of straying from and betraying God but instead living under Satan’s domain and being corrupted by Satan. When we come before God and accept God’s salvation and when we know and obey God’s rule and live by His words, only then will we have a happy life. Let’s watch the gospel movie Caught the Last Train together. Dearest, we are now in the age of the last days and Almighty God’s work of the last days is God’s final stage of the work of saving mankind. Wha ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 135 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 03.09.2019