Listen to the english gospel songs and praise God with our heart and sincerity! Because of God’s selection, we can come before God; because of God’s protection, we can triumph over the temptation of social trend; because of God’s guidance, we can increasingly live out the likeness of a normal person and thus walk the right path of life … God’s love cannot be spoken one by one. We have enjoyed much God’s love. Infinite gratitude and praise to God is converged into the praise hymns. Let’s listen to these most melodious christian worship songs ... Read more »

Category: Hymn Music Video Series | Views: 173 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 02.03.2020

Apocalypse predicts that there will be a great calamity in the last days, and Almighty God has also long predicted that. In recent years, disasters around the world have become more and more severe, fulfilling these God’s words. Through the continuous occurrence of these disasters, God is reminding and admonishing the whole human race again and again. God is going to destroy the old world with great disasters, but at the same time he will use them to awaken and save people. Hope that more people can seek God and return to God in the great disaster. We see God's good intentions behind the disaster and God's eagerness to save mankind. Disaster is not  destruction but salvation.

Listen  ... Read more »

Category: Hymn Music Video Series | Views: 121 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 01.03.2020

Nowadays, most of the youth are the ones whom their parents worry about most, but this group of little brothers and sisters are different. They believe in and follow Almighty God, therefore, they live in the care of God’s love, their life grows day by day, and they feel released due to being far from Satan’s dark influence. They use innocent and dazzling smiles, beautiful singing and the dance full of vigor to express their gratitude and praise to God, at the same time, they present the church life of brothers and sisters of the Church of Almighty God, free and enjoyable. The lyrics say, “The life of the church brings such great joy, and our lives grow step by step. Kingdom of Christ is truly our home. Those who love God will praise Him forever.”. Brothers and sisters, do you want to know why is the churc ... Read more »

Category: Hymn Music Video Series | Views: 107 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 28.02.2020

New English Gospel Song With Lyrics | "Since God Saves Man, He Will Save Them Completely"


Though the work of conquest is reached

by God’s purging of man’s prospects,

man will be ultimately led

to the proper place God prepared.

Because it is God who works man,

their destination is assured.

... Read more »

Category: Hymn Music Video Series | Views: 126 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 03.02.2020

2019 Christian Devotional Song With Lyrics | "The Transcendence and Greatness of the Almighty"

Verse 1

Fast as lightning, this world can change

always by God’s thoughts, always by God’s watch.

Things will come, things man never dreamed.

What they’ve long had may slip away.

Chorus ... Read more »

Category: Hymn Music Video Series | Views: 114 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 12.12.2019

Christian Praise and Worship Song | "I Have Seen God's Love"

Almighty God, it is You who loves me.

Out of the filthy world You have chosen me!

So I have come before You, yes, I have come before You,

living a life of the church, enjoying Your words every day.

Having such blessing is Yo ... Read more »

Category: Hymn Music Video Series | Views: 124 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 09.12.2019

Gospel Music Worship Song "God's People of All Nations Express Their Feelings as One" Thank God's Love

All God’s People Give Vent to Their Feelings

Look upon God’s kingdom, where God reigns over all.

From when creation started until the present day,

sons of God guided undergoing hardships.

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Category: Hymn Music Video Series | Views: 115 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 08.12.2019

2019 English Gospel Song Lyrics | "God Long Ago Determined Man's Fate"

Verse 1

As far as fate is concerned, everyone is independent.

As far as fate is concerned, everyone has his or her own fate.

So no one’s parents can stave off one’s fate in life

or exert the slightest influence on the role one plays.


Nothing except ... Read more »

Category: Hymn Music Video Series | Views: 96 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 22.11.2019

Christian Praise and Worship Songs | So Happy to Live in the Love of God | "Christ's Kingdom Is a Warm Home"


Christ’s kingdom is my warm home, it belongs to all of God’s people.

Christ walks and speaks in the church and lives together with God’s people. ... Read more »

Category: Hymn Music Video Series | Views: 120 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 28.10.2019

 God Has Come to China | Christian Praise and Worship Songs "Christ's Kingdom Is Realized Among Men"


Almighty God incarnate

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Category: Hymn Music Video Series | Views: 133 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 27.10.2019

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