Since it came to power in mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been unceasing in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and burned countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and tried to eradicate all house churches.This documentary film depicts the sudden and u
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Ma Zhijun (Vice-captain of the National Security Brigade): Level with me, what is your role in The Church of Almighty God? Are you a big leader? Who are your leaders?
Lang Xin (Captain of the National Security Brigade): Don’t think that we won’t know if you don’t talk! Tell you the truth, Jiang Xinyi. We have been investigating and monitoring you for three months. We are on top of your situation. You used to be a reporter for a provincial newspaper, and you’re now a big leader of ... Read more »
Christian Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China "The Long Road of Exile"
Since it came to power in mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been relentless in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and destroyed countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and vainly attempted to eradicate all house churches….
Good Christian Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China "A Youth of Bloody Tears"
Since it came to power in mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been relentless in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and destroyed countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church b
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Best Christian Movie | Keep the Faith in the CCP's Persecution | "The Party Is Not Done Talking!"
Li Ming'ai is a Christian in mainland China. She is a woman of upright character who respects her parents-in-law, assists her husband and educates her child, and has a happy and harmonious family. In China, where atheism exercises control, however, the Chinese Communist government always wildly arrests and persecutes people who ... Read more »
Best Christian Movie - Keep the Faith in the CCP's Persecution - "The Party Is Not Done Talking!"
Li Ming'ai is a Christian in mainland China. She is a woman of upright character who respects her parents-in-law, assists her husband and educates her child, and has a happy and harmonious family. In China, where atheism exercises control, however, the Chinese Communist government always wildly arrests and persecutes people who believe in God. In 2006, Li Ming'ai was arrested and fined because of her belief in God. After Li Ming
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