The Significance of God’s Previous Two Appearances and Work in Israel, and of God’s Appearance and Work in China in the Last Days

I said, “Sister, I understand now from your fellowship that God’s plan is always behind where He chooses to appear and work and, even more so, God’s wisdom and His good will are to be found therein as well. We are unfit to form opinions on God’s work, much less delimit His work. But there is still something I don’t understand: China is an atheist nation where most people don’t believe in God or worship God. Since God appeared and worked in Israel before, couldn’t He also work in nations like the US or the UK, where Christianity is the state religion? Why did He deliberately choose to perform His work ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 110 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 12.01.2020