In this era of the last days, those brothers and sisters who are true believers in God all await God’s return. Sister Xiangwang was no different, but when she heard that God had returned and issued His words, she had some trouble accepting the news because she had always believed that “All scripture is given by inspiration from God and belief in God is tantamount to belief in the Bible.” Later, however, through seeking she developed new understanding and knowledge of the Bible and welcomed the return of God. How did she forsake her old notions and reunite with God? Read on to find out.

The Way of Eastern Lightning Gave Me a New Understanding of the Bible (Part 1)

Mom Converted to Eastern Lighting?

O ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 116 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 23.02.2020

Commentary on Matthew 24:36 – When Will Lord Jesus Return? - Bible Study Topic
Prophecies of the Lord's return have basically come true, but why haven't we welcomed Him?
In fact, the Lord is knocking at the door. Have you heard His voice? Read now.


Question: Speaking of the return of the Lord, it is written in Matthew 24:36: “But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” No one can know when the Lord Jesus will return, so how do you know that the Lord Jesus has returned already? It really seems inconceivable to us!< ... Read more »

Category: More Gospel Truths | Views: 119 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 23.02.2020