Eastern Lightning | Short Christian Play "Following Close By" | Story of Christians Standing Witness Through Persecution

Eastern Lightning | Short Christian Play "Following Close By" | Story of Christians Standing Witness Through Persecution

Overcomers are those who stand witness,

keeping confidence and full devotion to God,

even when under Satan’s influence,

even though Satan holds them in siege by dark forces.

If you still maintain a heart of purity

and true love for God no matter what may be,

you are then standing witness in front of God,

you are what God Himself calls an overcomer.


God’s words free us from Satan’s chains.

We’ve truly felt their authority and their power beyond compare.

Seeing God’s great loveliness, we all love Him and bear witness.

Free from any fear of danger, we spread the kingdom gospel.


Beloved One.

Almighty God, beloved One,

Your people sing love songs, praise You.

Almighty God, beloved One,

we’ll always witness, obey, love You.

Almighty God, beloved One,

Your people sing love songs, praise You.

Almighty God, beloved One,

we’ll always witness, obey, love You.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs


Watch more:
God's Kingdom on Earth | "Kingdom Anthem: The Kingdom Descends Upon the World" | Gospel Choir Music

2. God is Love Gospel Song "God's Love and Essence Has Always Been Selfless"

Category: Gospel Choir | Views: 108 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Tags: Witness to god, Religious Persecution, Christian Musical Drama, overcomer | Rating: 0.0/0
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