Christian Praise and Worship Songs "He Is Our God"

Christian Praise and Worship Songs "He Is Our God"


There’s no one other than Him who knows what we’re thinking of.

None else knows our essence and nature like the palm of his hand.

None else can judge man’s rebelliousness or his corrupted ways.

No one can speak to or work on us like this on behalf of God in heaven.

No one except for Him can possess God’s wisdom and authority.

No one except for Him can possess the dignity of God.

The disposition of God and what He has and what He is

are fully expressed from His body in their entirety.

There’s no one other than Him who can bring the light forth to us.

There’s no one other than Him who can point out the right way.

No one except for Him can reveal mysteries that God has not,

God has not disclosed from the time of creation till today.

No one except for Him can save us from the Satan’s bondage

and from the corruption of our, of our disposition.

No one except for Him can save us, save us from Satan’s bondage,

and from corrupted disposition, the disposition of ours.


From that moment on, our minds became conscious,

our spirits also seem to have revived:

This ordinary person, such a meager person,

who lives among us and has been rejected by us for so long—just who is He?

Isn’t He the One we’ve yearned for day and night,

the long-awaited One: Lord Jesus Christ?

It’s Him! It’s really Him! He’s truly our God indeed!

He’s indeed the truth, the way, the life!

It’s Him! It’s really Him! He’s truly our God indeed!

He’s indeed the truth, the way, the life!

Indeed the truth, the way, the life!

Isn’t He the One we’ve yearned for day and night,

the long-awaited One: Lord Jesus Christ?

It’s Him! It’s really Him! He’s truly our God indeed!

He’s indeed the truth, the way, the life!

It’s Him! It’s really Him! He’s truly our God indeed!

He’s indeed the truth, the way, the life!

Indeed the truth, the way, the life!

from “Beholding the Appearance of God in His Judgment and Chastisement” in The Word Appears in the Flesh


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Category: Hymns of Gods Words | Views: 102 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Tags: appearance of God, Jesus return | Rating: 0.0/0
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