Play this gospel movie and hear a grieved prayer of a pastor, “Oh Lord. I still don't know what is Your will! … My spirit, my spirit thirsts. I am empty. I have nothing, nothing at all for my flock. The church is now full of jealousy and strife, People are slandering each other … O Lord, please listen to my prayer! My Lord! Please! How should I do? …”. This pastor’s inner voice is the true condition of many churches and brothers and sisters. Why do present churches become so desolate? Look back to two thousand years ago, in the early Age of Law, churches had Jehovah glory, the worshipers in the temple were those devout believers, none dare to act recklessly, otherwise, ther ... Read more »

Category: Featured Movie Clips | Views: 125 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 03.03.2020