Do you know the true reason for the desolation of churches?

Play this gospel movie and hear a grieved prayer of a pastor, “Oh Lord. I still don't know what is Your will! … My spirit, my spirit thirsts. I am empty. I have nothing, nothing at all for my flock. The church is now full of jealousy and strife, People are slandering each other … O Lord, please listen to my prayer! My Lord! Please! How should I do? …”. This pastor’s inner voice is the true condition of many churches and brothers and sisters. Why do present churches become so desolate? Look back to two thousand years ago, in the early Age of Law, churches had Jehovah glory, the worshipers in the temple were those devout believers, none dare to act recklessly, otherwise, there must be the fire setting down on them from the pinnacle of the temple and burned them to death. Later, the priests made improper sacrifices, and the temple became a place where livestock was sold and people exchanged money, a den of thieves. There weren’t God’s discipline and punishment anymore. It is because God had quietly left the temple and did a new work. The Lord Jesus carried out redemption work and therefore the Holy Spirit didn’t maintain the old work but the work of the Lord Jesus. Nowadays, churches become desolate as what was like in the late period Age of Law, does that mean that God has again done a new work? Has the pastor found the root cause of the desolation of churches? If you want to know the answer, please click on this movie clip and look for the answer!

Best Religious Movie "Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit" (1) - Exploring the Cause of Desolate Churches

Cho Yeonghan was a pastor of a church in Korea. He was zealous in serving the Lord for decades and earned great respect from the believers. In recent years, the church became desolate day by day. More and more evils emerged, and even he himself was often afflicted by sin. Thus, he felt extremely miserable and confused…. After much consideration, he gave up his post as a pastor and left his denomination to seek the true way that could free him from sin. He visited several other denominations, but their desolation and degeneration brought him into severer loss and helplessness. Earnestly, he prayed, “O Lord! Where are you? …” Out of surprise, when investigating the word of Almighty God, he found that the Lord Jesus has come back and He is Almighty God, the last Christ.


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Category: Featured Movie Clips | Views: 125 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Tags: desolation of churches, Jesus return | Rating: 0.0/0
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