Many people think that as long as we abandon things and expend ourselves are the people who are obedient to God, the people who do the will of God, also the people God blesses. When the Lord comes, such a kind of person will surely enter the kingdom of heaven. Does such understanding accord with the will of the Lord? We all know those Pharisee of two thousand years ago, they also paid a great price. They were the people serving Jehovah God in the temple. Though they abandoned many things, they didn’t know God so that they nailed the Lord Jesus on the cross. The Lord Jesus said, “… I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity”(Matthew 7:22-23). To those people who preach and work in the name of the ... Read more »

Category: Featured Movie Clips | Views: 123 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 08.03.2020