18:09 Are those people who abandon everything and expend themselves the ones who are obedient to God? |
Many people think that as long as we abandon things and expend ourselves are the people who are obedient to God, the people who do the will of God, also the people God blesses. When the Lord comes, such a kind of person will surely enter the kingdom of heaven. Does such understanding accord with the will of the Lord? We all know those Pharisee of two thousand years ago, they also paid a great price. They were the people serving Jehovah God in the temple. Though they abandoned many things, they didn’t know God so that they nailed the Lord Jesus on the cross. The Lord Jesus said, “… I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity”(Matthew 7:22-23). To those people who preach and work in the name of the Lord Jesus, why did the Lord Jesus condemn them, saying, “you that work iniquity”? Then what kind of person is the one who truly obeys God? Knowing this aspect of the truth is very important, for it is related to whether we can enter the kingdom of heaven. Please watch a christian inspirational video clip, “The Price We Must Pay” New Faith Based Movie "The Price We Must Pay" Clip 1- Is Hard Work, Giving Things Up, and Expending Yourself for the Lord Really Obeying God?The Lord Jesus said, "Not every one that said to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 7:21). The main character, Song Enze believes that giving things up, expending himself, and working hard for the Lord is obeying God and doing His will; he thinks by seeking this way, he'll certainly gain God's approval and get into the kingdom of heaven. However, his brothers and sisters express doubts about this—what if someone expends themselves on the outside but it's with the aim of entering the kingdom and being blessed? Isn't that just conducting a transaction with God? If someone pays a price but it's adulterated with these motives, is that obeying God? You'll find the answer in this wonderful excerpt from the film.
Recommended for you 7 Christian Family Movies, They're great for family viewing. Some of their stories have moved millions of people. |
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