Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God, Jesus Return

Bible Study Topics | Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven Now That Our Sins Have Been Forgiven(Part 2)

He Jun, Sichuan

Monday August 13th, 2018. Cloudy yielding to sun.

Today, I bumped into Brother Zheng, who I haven’t seen for ages, and I was really happy to see him. As we chatted, I mentioned the thing that had been puzzling me all this time. After I’d told him about it, Brother Zheng gave me fellowship, saying, “Man&rsqu ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 129 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 07.12.2019

Lord Jesus was crucified, Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God

Bible Study Topics | Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven Now That Our Sins Have Been Forgiven(Part 1)

He Jun, Sichuan

Sunday August 5th, 2018. Cloudy.

After the meeting today, a brother came seeking me, his face filled with worry. He said that God requires people to be sanctified, but ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 116 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 06.12.2019

Bible Study Topics: Is There Any Biblical Basis for the Statement “Once Saved, Always Saved”?

By Yang Xin

The sun sank into the west, and the last light of the sinking sun spread across the world as I walked back home after a meeting, thinking of what the pastor had said: “Once saved, then we are always saved, for the Bible says, ‘That if yo ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 129 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 05.12.2019

The Answer from Almighty God’s Word:

Because God has become flesh, Satan has employed all sorts of methods of accusation, wanting to attack God this way. However, God does not retreat because of this—He just speaks and works among mankind and allows people to know Him through His incarnate flesh. Satan is red-eyed with fury and has put forth a great deal of effort on God’s people to make them negative, retreat, and even lose their way.

from “Interpretation of the Thirteenth Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 133 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 04.12.2019

Pary to God, The Church of Almighty God

Spiritual Growth | Learning to Pray: Resolving 3 Issues Teaches Us How to Pray

By Zhang Liang

As Christians, prayer is an indispensable part of our everyday lives, and the most direct way to draw close to God. We all hope that our prayers may be heard by the Lord, but we often do not receive God’s response or feel His presence, leaving us at a loss: Why is this? Why isn’t God listening to our prayers? What sorts of prayers are in line with ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 109 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 03.12.2019

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God, Jesus’ Second Coming

Spiritual Growth | How Are the Prophecies of Jesus’ Second Coming Being Fulfilled?

After a period of time Sister Gan, who I hadn’t seen for a few months, came to see me; I knew this was arranged by the Lord. Sister Gan had been working for the Lord for a number of years and she was a thoughtful, insightful person. I thought she might be able to resolve this issue of mine, so I said, “Sister Gan, there’s something I’m a little confused about that I’d lik ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 117 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 02.12.2019

A Christian’s Heartfelt Wish: Being Free From Sin and Getting Into the Heavenly Kingdom Is No Longer a Dream (Part 2)

“The Lord Jesus said, ‘Not every one that said to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven’ (Matthew 7:21). ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, Whoever commits sin is the servant of sin. And the servant stays not in the house for ever: but the son stays ever’ (John 8:34–35). The Lord Jesus tells us clearly that people ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 107 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 26.11.2019

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God, Christian Testimonies

A Christian’s Heartfelt Wish: Being Free From Sin and Getting Into the Heavenly Kingdom Is No Longer a Dream

By Zhenyi


I trust that every brother and sister in the Lord will have experienced this kind of situation: When we associate with other people and their words and actions do not accord with our own ideas, we can easily lose our temper and begin to chide them, and we are unable to practice tolerance ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 121 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 25.11.2019

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God, How to Be Free From Sin

A Wonderful Reunion With the Lord: I Find the Way to Be Free From Sin(Part 2)

By Kemu, Myanmar

In the next meeting, I sought the answer from my sisters as to why I could never free myself from the shackles of sin. Sister Lucy gave me fellowship, saying, “This is a good question. The Bible says, ‘For the wages of sin is death’ (Romans 6:23). While we are still capable of frequently sinning and resisting God, we are unable to enter into God’s kingdom. Understanding this question, therefore, has a direc ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 149 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 24.11.2019

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God, Closer to God

A Wonderful Reunion With the Lord: I Find the Way to Be Free From Sin (Part 1)

By Kemu, Myanmar

Editor’s Note: As a Christian, do you often feel distressed because you can’t free yourself from the shackles of sin? Are you looking high and low for the way to be free of sin? Sister Kemu used to feel sorrowful and distressed that she couldn’t find the way to be free from sin, and she worried that the Lord would abandon her. Now, however, she has welcomed the return of the Lord and has found th ... Read more »

Category: Gospel Testimonies | Views: 177 | Added by: sunnywhite0987 | Date: 23.11.2019

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